Monday, January 03, 2011

Silence to the masses

After 41 years of life.  There is one very important thing that I learned early,  and is reinforced to the core of all things in ones life.  People are stupid when they believe that their opinions mean anything to me.


My friends,  my true friends,  the ones that have been in my thoughts for years and continue to be there.   Their opinions are as good as gold to me.    They provide a drive and determination to hopefully at times get my life straight to where it’s supposed to be.


But there are too an occasionally few that feel the need to chirp their views,  mostly in the hopes that they’re little lives might be more enriched by throwing mud.    In the hopes that something might stick and their faults and foibles won’t be as apparent.


Today’s unloaded weapon in a battle of wits has been a repeat offender in this category.    If it’s not this misguided belief that I am an easy mark for his stupidity.  It is this belief that I’m going to actually take the time to fly to his place wallowing in his own self created mud hole so that he might ‘kick my ass”.   A feat that many have tried,  and many failed miserably.


Funny thing is that even writing in a journal about him and his little fantasies of being important,   gives more

credit and attention than it richly deserves.    To offer anything other than silence is the ultimate in uncaring

and apathy.   Whether agree or disagre,   to ignore someone means they are not even worth the time

to respond.   But then of course,   a captive mind and incapable of logical thinking would only accept this

as cowardice.   Definitely something I am not.   I choose my fights,  and in this case.  It isn’t worth the time

to destroy a person that life has already claimed as refuse.


The interesting thing is that it’s a cancer to see people like this,  that they don’t have any idea how to be

a “real man”,  but run around claiming that drinking with friends while their family is sick is needed.   That working half assed jobs and being a half assed human being is equal to the task of being a man,  a father,  a fiancĂ©e and even a productive member of society.   


While reading Xenocide by Orson Scott Card,  the idea of He who is without sin is presented in a different context.    A Priest comes along to a mob who is about to execute a prostitute.   Quoting scripture of “He who is without sin let him cast the first stone”  The crowd dropped their rocks and went their way.   IN one instance the Priest  picked up the Prostitute and led her to the church to ask for repentance.  In another instance the Priest ended up picking up a rock and executing the prostitute,   stating that if we waited for perfection to execute the law,  then there would be only chaos (paraphrased from the original book).


Which one is the realist.    To expect perfection from someone who points out a flaw of an attacker?  Or

someone who walks away and says it isn’t worth the time or the effort to convert,  especially when conversion

is impossible.    So you just let them stand in their own self created filth,   rattle their toy sabres until they have

lost or driven away everything good in their life.   And that wall of chaos and self pity breaks in.   And consumes the refuse to be recycled again.


But then there is a 3rd option,   pity,   not even sympathy,  or apathy.  But pity.   Simply becuase it is

these types of people that poison others that touch them.    They poison the fields for their children out of self loathing and self hatred,   all the while blaming society for their lack of self worth.  blaming loved ones that aren’t serving their warped view of purpose for them.    Or blaming anything but themselves for their lack of

ability or ability to create their own self destruction.


In the long run,  and the most important thing to see,  is that the unaware of their own position on the social food chain just below cow mucus.  It goes over their head with big words and concepts.    The world is there to control or to whine about,  til it rejects them as being outsiders.     And that of course is someone else’s fault again.   A catch 22 is created to continue to cycle of worthlessness.



Blah Blah Blah is my start,   Blah blah blah is my finish in response.